Saturday, August 2, 2008

Outrageous questions

I came across one of the recent posting of my fellow blogger. In that she was claiming that "women rules" adverting to a book "The Mammoth Book Of Heroic & Outrageous Women" .. i am not sure whether the blogger read that book fully or just concluded after seeing the book cover design ..definitely the cover design rocked me :P

Being a being i used to ponder some strange questions ...I grouped few of the questions which can be asked to a feminist and thought of putting down in this post inspite of chances of getting assaulted by some feminist :P ..i am sure my intention is not to be an anti feminist ..OK they are and will keep adding to it whenever a weird question pop up

* Why did god created Adam first. Why did he created Eve and then motivated Adam to Sin ..Why should Satan use Eve ..

* Why did god preferred male prophets :)

* Why did god preferred son Jesus instead of a daughter Jese . Does it mean females are born cunning and wicked

* Unlike only son Jesus for god in old testament,Siva decided to have two offspring why did he not prefer to have a daughter Karthika ;) instead of ganesh and karthikeya

* Y Vishnu didnt prefer to take a female avatar even when he prefered ugly creatures like a Boar, smelly fish etc

* If the above questions are disagreed then are all feminist atheist

* Y even feminst use the word "Bitch"

* Will only a men sexually assault the opposite sex. Can anyone be very sure it was not done the vice versa

Ok if some answer that men are so pervert thats y God wanted to protect himself by not being Women. Then why did feminist like Dr.Taslima Nasrin demands 'freedom of the vagina.' She says that "if a man can have four wives, a woman should have the
right to four husbands. Even within marriage, she says a woman should have the right to other men " .I dont think women are Angels to not have sexual urge .. the above statement clearly proves even they are perverts. They should have the same urge and feelings as the opposite sex . Otherwise why would a female want to dress to show her assets and curves.

There should be some reasons for female not generally ruling the world. Otherwise why should the word evil evolve from eve

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Thursday, July 17, 2008

Learning to ride a car - Calvin style !!

Finally will be keeping my hands on steering wheel tommorow not like how i used to play when i was a kid .. But this time on real road .. Calvin style :)

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Kadhalukku Mariyadhai

Todays man(woman) is that (S)he wants parental blessing for everything in life, that continues till the guy becomes bald :)

I would blame the tamil movie " Kadhalukku Mariyadhai" .. one of the crappiest movie made according to me that advised youngsters to rebel and then give in to parents/sibblings wish or Affection :P

Rebelling with everyone to prove ones maturity/self esteem and then agreeing to their bids in the name of Affection is something odd .. You can either rebel against the traditions or one can conform. Doing both according to me is contradictory.

If we cant go against their wishes, then its better to list all they want and based on the criteria... find the said person and proceed to fall in love :) by this way we youths need not rebel but will be doing a playact for the rest of our life

The so called "well brought up" kid according to the director Fazil :) needs parental approval even to wee-wee rather than to use the experience and maturity gained to lead the life of their own.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Yesterday was a dull day at office had a bad pain caused by a wisdom tooth. Went out for dinner in the evening with L and A to one of city's oldest traditional cafe. Managed to enjoy the exotic cuisine. I was posing a smile to both of them during the dinner and felt inside that I am doing a great job of hiding a terminal illness.
The reason why i was narrating the above incident will be known after you watch this video. I would strongly recommend at least to see the first and last 10 minutes of it.

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Monday, April 14, 2008

All about searching

My fascination for search engines started way back when I got acquainted to the World Wide Web. It took some time for me to understand this marvelous tool and use it effectively.

I believe the following content will help some of us to have an overview of this technology and some simple tips on searching.

“How Search Engines Operate
Search engines have a short list of critical operations that allows them to provide relevant web results when searchers use their system to find information.
1. Crawling the Web
Search engines run automated programs, called "bots" or "spiders" that use the hyperlink structure of the web to "crawl" the pages and documents that make up the World Wide Web. Estimates are that of the approximately 20 billion existing pages, search engines have crawled between 8 and 10 billion.
2. Indexing Documents
Once a page has been crawled, it's contents can be "indexed" - stored in a giant database of documents that makes up a search engine's "index". This index needs to be tightly managed, so that requests which must search and sort billions of documents can be completed in fractions of a second.
3. Processing Queries
When a request for information comes into the search engine (hundreds of millions do each day), the engine retrieves from its index all the document that match the query. A match is determined if the terms or phrase is found on the page in the manner specified by the user. For example, a search for car and driver magazine at Google returns 8.25 million results, but a search for the same phrase in quotes ("car and driver magazine") returns only 166 thousand results. In the first system, commonly called "Findall" mode, Google returned all documents which had the terms "car" "driver" and "magazine" (they ignore the term "and" because it's not useful to narrowing the results), while in the second search, only those pages with the exact phrase "car and driver magazine" were returned. Other advanced operators (Google has a list of 11) can change which results a search engine will consider a match for a given query.
4. Ranking Results
Once the search engine has determined which results are a match for the query, the engine's algorithm (a mathematical equation commonly used for sorting) runs calculations on each of the results to determine which is most relevant to the given query. They sort these on the results pages in order from most relevant to least so that users can make a choice about which to select. “

For Visitors who wants more details can visit

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Sunday, April 13, 2008

Malar Pol Malargindra Manam Vendum.....

This song reminds me of my erstwhile pleasant days and contains some of my childhood generic prayers..
Listen ..this may incite the same within you

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